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NAPCE News – August 2022

NAPCE News – August 2022
Making a positive difference to young people through pastoral care

FEATURE ARTICLE: “The Value of Education in 2022″ by NAPCE Chair Phil Jones

The Value of Education in 2022 by NAPCE Chair Phil Jones

The summer holiday is a time to reflect on recent experiences away from the daily challenges of working life.

It is an opportunity to have the luxury of planning ahead and to be ambitious about what can be achieved in the future.

When I was working full time as a leader in secondary schools the summer holiday seemed to break into three sections.

For the first two weeks I would struggle to unwind still thinking about all the issues that I had face at the end of the term.

The middle two weeks was an opportunity to have some time to myself when I could find time to read or just to think without feeling guilty about not focusing on more ‘urgent’ matters.

The final two weeks I would spend convincing myself that I was going to ‘enjoy’ going back to work and that I would not miss the freedom and time I had experienced during the holiday.

The luxury of being able to think of new ideas provides motivation and a determination to overcome the barriers that may appear.

The break from the daily pressures of work is essential to developing the positive mindset and belief that you can make a difference in the learning experience and future lives of the children and young people in your care.

My reading this summer included an article in the Times with the title ‘Schools out. Get your Child off their screen’.

In the article head teacher and author Mike Fairclough explains how to raise confident, capable children.

This encourages reflection on what is a relevant learning experience in 2022.

It was not planned by any inspirational educationalists but one of the impacts made by the pandemic was that many children and young people experienced more family learning during the lockdowns.

Families spent time learning together, for example cooking, gardening, and exploring the local area.

There was a realisation of the important contribution that schools, colleges and universities make to the socialisation of children and young people in preparation for their adult lives.

Although there was concern that learners were falling behind on the academic curriculum and in their preparation for future examinations there was recognition that learning and personal development could be encouraged by different experiences that took place outside the formal classroom.

Mike has worked for 25 years in primary education including 18 years as head teacher and he has four children.

In his state school his pupils learn skills such as shooting, lighting fires and fishing.

His most recent book is called ‘Rewilding Childhood – Raising, Resilient Children who are Adventurous, Imaginative and Free’.

There have been many initiatives in the past to explore alternative approaches to education, to provide learners with a different experience.

They have often not been seen as a success because it is argued they do not prepare children and young people to make an effective contribution in the workplace and to the economic success of the country.

This does not mean that new ideas about the relevance of the current educational experience and suggestions such as a ‘rewilding childhood’ should not encourage pastoral leaders and staff in pastoral roles to reflect on their practice and consider if pastoral structures and systems in schools are supporting the personal development and achievement of learners.

Inspiration can be taken from the ideas in Mike Fairclough’s latest book about how to nurture confident capable children who can thrive in the face of life’s challenges.

There is a similar theme in the recent book from Valerie Hannon and Amelia Peterson, ‘Thrive, The purpose of schools in a changing world”.

As the title suggests the book raises concerns about the gap between the knowledge, skills and attitudes and values that tomorrow’s world will require and what our current school systems provide.

The book advocates a new purpose for education in a rapidly changing world where the priority for education will be to enable children and young people to Thrive and the learning experience is relevant for the reality of the world they will live in.

I remember, in my childhood. heading off on bikes with friends to find adventures in the local area which, on reflection, were brilliant learning experiences and I survived these challenges without a mobile telephone or any satellite tracking system.

These experiences were not part of any planned curriculum, but they certainly contributed to my personal development and socialisation and helped to prepare me for the challenges I would face in my education and future life.

During the pandemic it was a concern that children not in school and were missing out, not only on their preparations for examinations, but on their socialisation and personal development.

Education was valued for the experiences it provides for children and young people to develop as people and to prepare them to make a positive contribution to society.

The relief of a return to “normal” seems to also be accompanied by lessons from the experience of the pandemic being forgotten.

When NAPCE was first formed in 1982 the educationalist who had that vision saw the importance of education being more than just meeting the economic needs of the country, but as an important investment in the learning and future lives of all children and young people.

In her book ‘A Curriculum of Hope. As Rich in Humanity’ Debra Kidd examines a positive approach to how schools can be empowered to build bridges between their pupil’s learning and the world around them.

The book presents examples of how schools, parents, pupils, and their communities can learn together.

The author challenges the view that the role for children is simply to listen and learn and advocates that they should be actively engaged in local and global issues.

This has implications for pastoral leaders and staff in pastoral roles who need to consider how they can support the learning experience of children and young people in their care to ensure that it is relevant for the modern world that they will live and work in.

Mike Fairclough encourages parents to not be too cautious and this advice is relevant to professionals working in pastoral care in education.

Children and young people need a learning experience where they can understand risks and challenges and at the same time have the support and guidance that encourages them to achieve their full potential.

In The Times article Mike argues for a middle ground between recklessness and extreme caution as being ideal for providing a positive learning experience that is relevant to the needs of children and young people in the 21stcentury.

“Showing children how to light a fire means they learn how to handle risk, respect fire and manage their own safety” The Times

As Chair of the National Association for Pastoral Care in Education I would like to wish all our members and supporters an enjoyable summer.

I hope that you will take the opportunity to reflect upon the learning experience provided for children and young people.

This can encourage ambitious plans and ideas that provide learners with a relevant and stimulating education that meets their needs and supports their personal development as members of society.

Phil Jones
National Chair
The National Association for Pastoral Care in Education (NAPCE)

Hannon, V, Patterson, A. (2021). Thrive. The Purpose of Schools in a Changing World, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Kidd, D, (2020), A Curriculum of Hope. As Rich in Humanity as in Knowledge, Independent Thinking Press, Carmarthen.
Fairclough, M. (2022) Rewilding Childhood – Raising Resilient Children who are Adventurous, Imaginative and Free, Hay House UK.
Maxted, A (2022) Schools Out. Get your child off their screen, Times newspaper Saturday July 16th, 2022

ANNIVERSARY: 40 Years of NAPCE Through the Lens of Our Pastoral Care Broadsheets

40 Years of NAPCE

In this anniversary year it is an opportunity to look back at how NAPCE has worked to make the educational experience and personal development the priority for research, policy making and practice in education.

It is hard to believe that 40 years ago when NAPCE was formed there was no internet and educationalists shared ideas by writing, reading, and meeting each other face to face.

One of the ways that NAPCE kept members and professionals interested in pastoral care was by producing ‘Broadsheets’ on different pastoral issues.

These were the Twitter of their day with the latest thinking, ideas, and examples of good practice.

One Broadsheet that was produced by NAPCE had the title ‘The Value of Pastoral Care and Personal-Social Education’.

Unfortunately, there is no date on the Broadsheet but from the quotations I would estimate that it was produced early in the 1990’s.

It explained that the aim of the paper was to bring together evidence and arguments to show the impact and value of pastoral care and personal and social education in schools.

It is interesting that a close link is made between pastoral care and personal and social education, suggesting that pastoral care in schools has an important role in supporting personal development and the development of social skills as part of children and young people’s experience of education.

It comments: “When resources for education are scarce the aspects of school which are not obviously direct teaching can sometimes come under threat”.

How true that is in the 2020’s with schools under pressure because of accountability and scarce resources to prioritise achieving good examinations results at the expense, many teachers would argue, of the socialisation of children and young people which is an important part of their educational experience.

The then “Department of Education and Science” is quoted with the guidance, ‘We recommend that headteachers and teachers should ensure that pastoral care in schools is characterised by a healthy balance between challenge and support for pupils”.

This values the contribution that effective pastoral care can make to education, and it would be encouraging to see similar comments encouraging schools to invest in pastoral care from current Government announcements at the DfE.

The paper encourages schools to recognise the impact that pastoral care and PSE has on supporting learners.

It argues that the benefits of effective pastoral care are long term, and this makes them difficult to manage.

This is possibly where pastoral leaders (seen by some as a reluctance to measure impact) have not achieved recognition for effective pastoral care, which can make a difference on the education of children and young people.

The paper comments, “It is simply not possible to create simple outcome measures of personal and social development” (Assessment and Performance Unit 1981).

The aim should not be to create success indicators for the purpose of accountability but to take the opportunity to demonstrate the positive outcomes being achieved by staff in pastoral roles in schools.

The Broadsheet demonstrates that ideas from the history of NAPCE can be useful in stimulating debate and discussion around the contribution that effective pastoral care can make to education.

It also demonstrates that in 2022 there is an important role for NAPCE to share ideas that encourage educationalists to focus on meeting the needs of children and young people in discussions and decision making about the priorities for the education.

The NAPCE newsletter will explore other Broadsheets produced by NAPCE during its history and consider what discussions they can stimulate about current policy and practice in education in future editions.

Phil Jones
National Chair
The National Association for Pastoral Care in Education (NAPCE)

ANNIVERSARY: Special NAPCE Conference Explores Topic “Is There a Need for a New Direction for Pastoral Care in Education?”

The 40th Anniversary Conference – “Is there a need for a new direction for pastoral care in education?”

A special Conference to mark 40 years of NAPCE will take place on October 7th and 8th. For people working in pastoral care roles in education it is an event not to be missed! Here’s a run down of what to expect.

What delegates will gain from attending the Conference

An insight into what Ofsted thinks is good practice in pastoral care.
Latest ideas from research into pastoral care.
Information about current and future policymaking in pastoral care in education.
Examples of good practice in pastoral care in education.
Opportunity to meet other delegates who are interested in supporting learners to achieve their full potential.
Guidance on how to achieve excellent pastoral care and support for learners that provides them with a positive learning experience.
Guidance on areas that can make a real difference to the learning experience for children and young people including, SEND, inclusion, governance, and pastoral leadership.
For details visit and follow the link for the conference

Confirmed Speakers and Workshop Leaders

Catherine Crooks | Her Majesty’s Inspector | Schools and Early Education Inspection Policy Specialist Adviser Team

How pastoral care features in the work of Ofsted

Ofsted’s guiding principle is to be a force for improvement through intelligent, responsible, and focused use of inspection, regulation, and insights. Our focus is on improving outcomes for children and young people. In this talk, Catherine will be illustrating how well-being and safeguarding are threads that run through inspection and research work. This will include considering what inspectors look for on inspection; how we aim to get under the surface of a child’s lived experiences of being at school; and the findings of some of our recent research, such as the education recovery reports and the sexual abuse review.

Catherine has worked for Ofsted as one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors for over six years. She has considerable experience of leading maintained and independent school inspections in primary, secondary and special schools. Catherine is also a specialist adviser working in the policy, quality, and training team. In this role, she has been involved in the development of the school inspection handbook and training for inspectors. Prior to joining Ofsted, Catherine worked as a teacher, consultant, and leader for over 20 years. Most recently, she was a senior local authority education officer with responsibilities that included school improvement.

Heather Hanbury, President 2022-23 Girls School Association

Heather Hanbury was educated at Princess Gardens School, Belfast, and Edinburgh University where she read Geography. After a gap year she went on to Wolfson College, Cambridge and gained an MSc in Land Economy, spending much of her second year carrying out field research in Hong Kong, based at Hong Kong University.
She worked initially as a market analyst and moved on to be a senior Management Consultant with Touché Ross, where she spent six years. She ran the Corporate Fundraising Department of Voluntary Service Overseas for two years before embarking on her career in education.
In 1995 Mrs Hanbury took a PGCE at the Institute of Education, London University. Her first teaching job appointment was at Blackheath High School where she progressed, via Head of Upper School, to Head of Sixth Form. She took on the same role at Haberdashers’ Aske’s School for Girls before being appointed Deputy Head (Staff Welfare and Development) at Latymer Upper School, Hammersmith. After five years in this post, she was appointed Headmistress at Wimbledon High School, where she led the school from 2008 to July 2014. Mrs Hanbury has been Headmistress of Lady Eleanor Holles since September 2014.
Mrs Hanbury’s main hobbies are cooking (with some skill) and playing bridge (with sadly little skill!). She is an enthusiastic traveller, regularly goes to the theatre and makes an annual pilgrimage to the Edinburgh Festival.

Carole Gregory

‘The Importance of Governance for effective Pastoral Care in Schools”
This session focuses of the role of the governing body to fulfil the 3 core strategic functions as set out by the DfE in relation to pastoral care. We will share and discuss the meaning of pastoral care and the statutory function of the board to ensure the wellbeing of the headteacher. The main focus of the presentation is to share ‘top tips’ for governors to ensure effective strategies are in place to develop, support and embed effective pastoral care in school settings through the wellbeing of the Headteacher

Carole has worked in Education for over 37 years and has been a Headteacher of several First and Primary schools in Worcestershire and Oxfordshire. During that time Carole has also worked for the Archdiocese of Birmingham as a Diocesan School Inspector. Carole has extensive experience of governance as a Headteacher but also as a Parent Governor, staff governor and Chair of Governors. Carole joined Worcestershire Governor Services in 2008 and is the Strategic Lead for Governance within Worcestershire Children First working alongside the School Improvement Team. Carole also undertakes some work for the University of Worcester as a School Experience tutor for trainee teachers in addition to some private governance consultancy work in other local authorities.

Dr Matt Silver
Governance: Evolving accountability regarding SEND in the light of the proposed White Paper and the SEND Green Paper

As the paper and other financial systems working outside of the paper demand more efficiency from the system, this session looks at the evolution of governance and the values that drive each stage. The patterns emerging demonstrate why we cannot wait for the system to change from the inside and how we must take a collective accountability to take the next step towards creating equitable communities.
Dr Matt Silver is the CEO of Pathways Education and Vice Chair of NAPCE

His doctorate at UCL Institute of Education is based on applied positive psychology, specifically self-determination theory, vertical development, and emotional intelligence in curriculum design. Matt catalyses the energy of individuals and coheres the collective energy into transformational innovation. Pathways runs coaching and team journeys for leaders to be able to do the same and models this himself in schools and colleges to re-engage some of the most complex students in learning and growth. He designs and delivers cutting edge social enterprise curricular at all levels of education to create socially equitable employment and business pathways for young adults with additional needs; integrating their unique skill sets into agents of social change. He has set up multiple businesses and runs a circular economy to create employment and community opportunities that didn’t previously exist. He believes!

“That’s not me, I’m on the inside” – Understanding the link between feelings, thoughts, and behaviour.

There is so much that can affect what a child’s story of the world is.
So often, rather than tell us about this, they will show us. Their chosen method of communication, the quickest, easiest way to let us know, is their behaviour; they may have no idea where this behaviour comes from.
As trusted adults what do we know and what do we assume? In order for us to know, a child has to trust enough to tell us how they are feeling and what they are thinking.
This workshop introduces children to their internal world. The world of feelings and thoughts; how their internal world is just as important as the external world and that these two worlds are inextricably linked through behaviour.

Liz Bates

After working in schools for over 25 years, as a teacher and senior leader, Liz worked as a Safeguarding advisor for Birmingham LA and with an educational charity for 10 years leading on Mental Health, Emotional Health, and Wellbeing.
Now an independent consultant working with schools and other organisations, Liz also delivers presentations, workshops, and research findings at national conferences. Liz is the author of 8 books, teaching sets and resources that are used across the country by schools and by other professionals working with children and has written for a number of professional journals. Liz has also worked for the Anna Freud Centre, Optimus Education, The Protective Behaviours Consortium and sits as a Magistrate in the Family Court.

Dr Dee Gray and Charlie Walker. What do young people want from pastoral care and support?

Appreciating the bi-directional world of the young carer and school culture, opening up to finding young carers (often hidden in plain sight), and having a mindset that shifts from ‘doing for or to, to doing with’, are the take away points to inform pastoral care and support in all educational establishments.

Dee is the Founding Director/Managing Director of the Young Carers Academy, Dee’s work with young carers began when a County Council commissioned an adaptation of her frontline stress management programme for young carers and school staff, after which she set up the Young Carers Academy as a not-for-profit organisation to continue the work. Dee has been an invited speaker at international conferences (Sweden, Malaysia, and New Zealand) on her work with young carers. Dee runs her business working primarily with frontline staff, has a national role as the RSA Councillor for Wales, is Fellow of the RSA and visiting Fellow to the MBA programme at University of Wales Trinity St David.

Ronald Skelton. M.Ed. B.Phil. B.Ed. (Hons) NPQH LLE
Creating an ethos, in an inner-city Academy, that supports students’ wellbeing, develops their character, and enables them to flourish.

The presentation will explore how we ensure students are safe, happy and love their learning. We encourage all students to develop their character throughout their time at Broadway. This is achieved by encouraging students to live out and practice the Academy values of Integrity, Respect, Optimism, Responsibility, Appreciation, Aspiration, Generosity, and Inclusivity. Our curriculum is tailored to the community and designed to enable all students to maximise their academic potential so that they can flourish, whilst at school and throughout their lives, as proactive British Citizens. We have an unswerving bias towards the students who come from poor families and also SEND students. We provide a safe, caring, and inspirational learning environment based on excellent learning, exceptional pastoral support, and a stunning co-curricular programme. We have created a special ethos at Broadway that visitors often notice when they visit.

Ron has been Headmaster of Broadway Academy since 2008, he is currently the longest serving secondary Headteacher in Birmingham, he was educated at Tynemouth Sixth Form College and went on to study for a B.Ed. (Hons) in Physical Education and Religious Education. Since 1991 he has taught PE and in recent years RE in four schools in Worcestershire and Birmingham.

He has gained two further degrees in Management and Leadership from Birmingham University and Buckingham University and also the National Professional Qualification for Headship.

He has been a Local Leader of Education since 2011 and worked successfully across many schools in Birmingham on school improvement, governance, and other related issues. Ron is a former chairman of Titan Trust. He has been a member of Birmingham SACRE since 2009 and a member of the Headteachers West Midlands Ofsted Reference group since 2013.

Ron was a Royal Marine Reserve for eight years, is still an active sportsman and has a black belt in Judo. Ron is a member of his local church and regularly takes Church services, he sat on the Diocesan Church Committee for 8 years and set up a charity in his home town Redditch in 2021: Redditch Youth for Christ. He is the current Chair of the West Midlands Police Advisory Board. He has written on and spoken nationally at conferences on the subject of inter- faith, partnerships, school ethos, leadership and ‘British Values.’


A New Direction for Pastoral Care in Education
7th and 8th October 2022
At Worcestershire County Cricket Ground, Worcester

More news about other speakers and workshop leaders will be included in the September NAPCE monthly newsletter.

CELEBRATION DINNER: Join us to Celebrate NAPCE’s 40th Anniversary

You are invited to the Anniversary dinner to celebrate the 40 years since NAPCE was formed.

It will be an opportunity to meet with other people who have contributed to the history of NAPCE and to celebrate the difference it has made for raising awareness about pastoral care in education and the difference it makes to the learning experience for children and young people and supports their personal development to prepare them for their future lives in society.

This event will take place at the Worcestershire Cricket Ground, overlooking the Severn River and cathedral in Worcester.

It takes place on Saturday 8th October as part of a weekend of events to celebrate the anniversary which include a two-day conference and the presentation for the National Awards for Pastoral Care in Education 2022.

The event is open to members and non-members.

Availability is limited and you are advised to reserve your ticket early to avoid disappointment.

Tickets can be reserved by visiting

The programme for the evening is,

7-00pm Guests Arrive – Prosecco Welcome Reception.
7-30pm Three Course Anniversary Dinner.

Dinner menu

Cream of Leek, Potato and Watercress Soup, Croutons (V) (GF)
Main course
Roasted Chicken Supreme, Gratin Potato, and Red Wine Gravy (GF
White Chocolate and Raspberry Cheesecake (V)

Vegetarian/Vegan Gluten Free option
Leek, Sweet Potato and Spinach Soup (GF)
Main course
Butternut Squash, Sweet Potato and Roasted Red Peppers, Parsley and Dill Sauce with Tender Stem Broccoli (GF)
White Chocolate and Raspberry Cheesecake (V)
Please advise in advance of the evening if you would prefer the vegetarian option or if you have any additional dietary requirements.

8-30pm After Dinner Speaker – Les Walton CBE

Les as he explains in his recently published book ’Education the Rock and Roll Years. A Northern Perspective on A lifetime of learning Teaching and Leading’, was one of the leading educationalists involved in the forming of NAPCE in 1982.

As the title of the book suggests, Les has a wide experience of education in recent history that he will share with guests at the dinner.

9-30 pm Pay bar available until 11-00 pm to meet old friends and make new friends. Please note this is a cashless venue.

The cost of the Anniversary Dinner is £35.00 for full members of NAPCE, £40.00 for Associate members and £45.00 for non- members.

Please dress to impress.

Please note that tickets will not be refunded unless the event is cancelled by the Association for reasons beyond its control when a full refund will be made.

There are direct train services from London to Worcester Foregate Station which is a ten-minute walk or short taxi ride from the venue.

Cross country trains call at the new Worcestershire Parkway, which has connections to Foregate Street. There is parking available at the venue and at public car parks nearby.

The venue has a Premier Inn Hotel on the site and there is a good choice of other options for accommodation in the city of Worcester.

Please book your tickets early to ensure that you do not miss this important event in NAPCE’s history to celebrate the contribution it has made to education in the last 40 years.

If you have any questions about the event, please contact NAPCE administration at

AWARDS: Finalists of NAPCE Awards 2022 Announced

The finalists of the National Awards for Pastoral Care in Education 2022 have been unveiled.

Now in its third year, the Awards continues to go from strength to strength and deserving nominees have been selected in seven categories by an independent panel of judges made up of educational experts.

The standard of entry was “exceptional” once again this year, according to NAPCE National Chair Phil Jones, who is a member of the judging panel.

The Awards was launched by NAPCE in 2019, with the first winners revealed in 2020.

It is the first UK-wide scheme to recognise outstanding achievements across pastoral care in education settings.

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic previous winners were announced at on-line events but this year an in-person presentation ceremony will take place on Friday, October 7th.

The NAPCE Awards was created to highlight excellent practice in pastoral care and to celebrate the people making a real difference in the educational experience of young people.

It also encourages new initiatives and ideas in pastoral care and recognises the contributions being made to developing policy and practice in pastoral support.

Mr Jones said: “We’re extremely proud to once again have received so many outstanding nominations for the Awards this year.

“Big congratulations to the finalists in each category, the quality of entry was extremely high, and I should point out that getting to the final stages is a huge achievement in itself.

“I am delighted that this year we will be able to hold our firs ever in person presentation ceremony at the stunning Worcestershire County Cricket Ground, in Worcester and tickets for all finalists are FREE.

“Best of luck to all finalists and we look forward to meeting you all in October.”

Details about how to book tickets will be sent to finalists directly, before being made available to people from across the education sector.

The presentation ceremony will take place on a special weekend to celebrate the 40th anniversary of NAPCE which will also include a conference for people working in pastoral care and a special dinner.

The Finalists

Pastoral School of The Year

(A school that can demonstrate a commitment to pastoral care and support for learners that makes a real difference in the progress and personal development of young people in the school)

St Catherine’s College, Armagh
Fairfield Primary School
Fir Vale School
Moorlands Junior School
Abbey School

Some of the comments made in the nominations included:-

“Students feel safe when they arrive at school and have lots of support available. We have recently set up a Pride room, due to the increase in the demand of mental health in society – this has been a major plus.

“Our school has an outstanding pastoral care system in place where all our staff are instrumental to the happiness, security, and general wellbeing of all our students.”

Pastoral Team of The Year

(A team that works in pastoral care and can demonstrate a determination to support young people to achieve their full potential and a positive impact on the young people they work with)

Strangford College Pastoral Team
Andrew McCartney and Julie Grantham, Hull College
Cathal Meegan and the Mentoring Programme team, St Patrick’s College, Dungannon
Pastoral Forum, St Cecilia’s College
Staffordshire University’s Institute of Policing (Work Based Education Officers)

Some of the comments made in the nominations include:-

“They are a fantastic team to work with, they never give up and always want to support any student with any need.

“I would like to nominate my team for the Pastoral team of the year as they go above and beyond to ensure the wellbeing of children and staff at our school.”

Pastoral Member of Staff of the Year

(A member of staff who works in pastoral care and who always makes the extra effort to support young people to enable them to become effective learners and achieve success)

Conor Lavery, St Patrick’s College, Dungiven
Anna Marie Byrne, St Catherine’s College, Armagh
Frances Wood, Moulton College
Shani Thorpe, Bishop Challoner Catholic Secondary School
Andrew Keep, St Bees School

Pastoral Leader of Staff of the Year

(Has a passion for pastoral care that is shared with colleagues to inspire and motivate them to make a real difference in the lives of the young people they work with)

Moses Arthur, Brent Inclusion Services
Catherine Currie, St Cecilia’s College
Martin Mulhern, St Cecilia’s College
Dr Vanessa Mitchell, The Ladies College, Guernsey
Angela Bowker, Wright Robinson College

Some of the comments made in the nominations in this category included:-

“Is an inspiration to our young people and has motivated them to do amazing things.

“In her daily interactions with pupils, she shows empathetic understanding and genuine concern, no issue is insignificant, no worry trivialised. For her, pupil happiness and well-being is paramount.”

Pastoral Development of the Year

(A pastoral initiative or idea that has achieved positive outcomes and has improved the learning experience and future life chances, for young people)

Meridian High School Summit Team
Emma McCarron, St Patrick’s College, Dungannon
St Louis Grammar School, Ballymena
Russell Friese, Bassett House School
Michael Fitzsimons, Trinity Sixth Form Academy

Some of the comments in the nominations included:-

“The school has introduced a new individual pastoral care initiative that delivers a threefold support system to ensure no pupil is left behind and that every child receives the personalised pastoral support they need, where a team of non-teaching pastoral welfare leaders, learning mentors, thrive practitioners and child wellbeing practitioners work together to meet the needs of the students so that learning can become their focus and ultimately keys to their future successes.”

Outstanding Contribution to Pastoral Care

(A person, group or organisation that has made a real difference for the benefit of young people in the area of pastoral care)

Niamh O’Sullivan, St Cecilia’s College
Hull College
All Saints C of E Primary School
Majella McCartney, St Patrick’s College, Dungiven

Raising Awareness About Pastoral Care

(An individual, group, or organisation who through their actions have raised awareness about pastoral care or pastoral issues and encouraged positive improvements for the benefit of young people)

Luke Ramsden, Senior Deputy Headteacher, St Benedict’s School, West London
Miss Hannah Walton, One/Third Project

The comments in the nominations in this category included:-

“Wanted to prevent any other student feeling like they don’t have support during their education, so she set up the one/third protect to support students, schools, and organisations to improve their support for mental health and wellbeing.

“Willingness to communicate his message on the importance of pastoral care has helped to influence significant numbers of senior leaders and safeguarding leads across the country. Ultimately, his drive and commitment to raise the awareness of pastoral care in educational settings is helping to improve safeguarding practice and keep more children safe.”

International Contribution to Pastoral Care

(An international school or organisation outside of the UK or an individual working in research or in an international school outside of the UK, that has promoted or delivered high quality pastoral care)

The results of this category will be announced at the Presentation Event later this year.

Comments made for the nominations in this category included:-

“Running an international partnership working with 30 partner organisations around the world to promote and support pastoral care in schools through our evidence based social and emotional learning.

“Our model includes training international partners in the programmes in order for them to deliver the programmes in their countries.”

There will be a prize of £100 for the winning school or institution in each category and individuals will also be recognised for their achievements.

To find out more about the excellent contributions to pastoral care and support for children and young people join NAPCE at the presentation event on October 7th to congratulate the finalists and winners who will be announced on the evening. For details follow the link below

The PRESENTATION EVENT for the 2022 National Awards for Pastoral Care in Education organised by NAPCE
Friday 7th October at 7-00pm
At Worcestershire County Cricket Ground in Worcester

UPDATE: On “Suspension and Permanent Exclusion from maintained schools, academies, and pupil referral units in England, including pupil movement” Guidance

Suspension and Permanent Exclusion from maintained schools, academies, and pupil referral units in England, including pupil movement Guidance for maintained schools, academies, and pupil referral units in England July 2022

NAPCE responded to a DfE consultation on behaviour and exclusions in February.

Following that consultation the DFE published new guidance in July.

The new document looks at the value of ensuring that “the new children and young people are protected from disruption and can learn and thrive in a calm, safe, and supportive environment”.

It explains that the purpose of the guidance is to “provide schools and other bodies involved in this process with information so that they can continue to use suspensions and permanent exclusions appropriately”.

It is also recognised that “permanent exclusions will sometimes be necessary as a last resort to maintain this environment”.

The following is a list of updates:

• Headteachers may cancel an exclusion that has not been reviewed by the governing board. This practice is sometimes known as withdrawing/rescinding a suspension or permanent exclusion. If this occurs, parents, the governing board and the local authority should be notified, and if relevant, the social worker and VSH. Further information of other actions that should take place after an exclusion is cancelled is set out in paragraph 13.
• When headteachers suspend or permanently exclude a pupil they must, without delay, notify parents. Legislative changes mean that if a pupil has a social worker, or if a pupil is looked-after, the headteacher must now, also without delay after their decision, notify the social worker and/or VSH, as applicable.
• When headteachers suspend or permanently exclude a pupil, they must also notify the local authority, without delay. Legislative changes mean that this must be done regardless of the length of a suspension.
• Guidance on the role of a social worker and VSH, during governing board meetings and IRP meetings.
• Guidance on managed moves, what they are and how they should be used. • Clarified guidance on the use of off-site direction5 as a short-term measure that can be used as part of a school’s behaviour management strategy.
• Further guidance on the practice of involving pupils so that any excluded pupil is enabled and encouraged to participate at all stages of the suspension or 5 Section 29A Education Act 2002. The legal requirements and statutory guidance relating to this power are set out in guidance on alternative provision: 9 permanent exclusion process, considering their age and ability to understand.
• Guidance for governing boards to ensure that they review data to consider the level of pupil moves and the characteristics of pupils who have been permanently excluded to ensure the sanction is only used, when necessary, as a last resort.

The updated guidance applies form 1st September 2022 and the document can be found at

EVENT: NAPCE Proud to Support National Conference on Child Protection in Education on September 27th

National Conference on Child Protection in Education on September 27th

NAPCE is attending the 2022 Conference on Child Protection in Education which takes place at Earl’s Court London on Tuesday 27th September.

Our team will be delivering a workshop on developing a positive safeguarding culture at the event.

National Chair Phil Jones and NAPCE safeguarding expert Luke Ramsden will be leading the workshop, which will explore how effective pastoral care can develop a positive culture for learning and provide children and young people with a positive and safe learning environment to support them in achieving their full potential.

NAPCE will have an exhibition at the Conference where there will be an opportunity to find out more about the support available to delegates who share our belief that supporting the personal development and wellbeing of learners is a vital part of their educational experience.

National Secretary of NAPCE Jill Robson and Anne Jones, our Admininstrator will be available to answer your questions and give more information about the work of NAPCE.

The Conference is organised by Optimus Education and details can be found here:

It takes place at the ILEC Conference Centre in Earls Court, London.

This is the 18th year of this important national child protection conference.

NAPCE is pleased to be supporting the event which provides an opportunity to network with leading educational lawyers, practitioners, and experts, unpack the Department for Education advice and guidance and take away proven strategies and resources to implement and evidence compliant child protection procedures and an outstanding school-wide safeguarding culture.

If you are attending the Conferenc, please take the opportunity to come and talk to the NAPCE on our stand.

“Staying up to date with KCSIE responsibilities and learning the lessons that strengthen our child protection practices and multi-agency working has never been more crucial. Spotting the signs, empowering our young people to make disclosures, and ensuring outstanding relationships and cultures in our schools is vital.” – Optimus Education Conference Brochure (2022)

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