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NAPCE News – July 2020

NAPCE News – July 2020
Making a positive difference to young people through pastoral care

Pastoral care in schools across the UK and further afield is proven to be critically linked to the academic and personal-social development of young people. NAPCE continues to support education providers in the process of pastoral care implementation and development. It is here that we share important news of our latest activities, events and best practice guidance. 

FEATURE ARTICLE: “Keep Calm and Carry On” – Advice for Parents of Early Years Children During Covid-19 from NAPCE Officer Cathy Harwood

It is always the case that the work of schools is most successful when it is delivered in partnership with parents but these unprecedented times have placed a focus on that teamwork which has never been seen before.

In this new article NAPCE NEC Officer and Director of Whole School Wellbeing, Cathy Harwood, explains why the role of parents in a child’s education at this time for early years children is even more important than people may think.


Dear Parents: How are you doing?

However you are managing to keep your children occupied and yourself positive and calm, keep it up. 

You’re doing a really amazing and important job.
Here’s a little bit of info about the brain that explains why what you are doing as a parent is so important, no matter how old your little one is.
Did you know that in the first three years, a child’s brain has up to twice as many synapses as it will have in adulthood?

Neuroplasticity, also known as brain plasticity, neuroelasticity, or neural plasticity, is the ability of the brain to change continuously throughout an individual’s life. And it does change, it continues to change as we age and develop but the most critical time for building healthy brains is from 0-5. 

Synapse Density Over Time 
Source: Adapted from Corel, JL. The postnatal development of the human cerebral cortex. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; 1975. 
At birth, your child already has about all of the neurons they will ever have – but they aren’t wired up. The wiring depends on experience.

It doubles in size in the first year, and by age three it has reached 80 percent of its adult volume. Amazing!

Even more importantly, synapses are formed at a faster rate during these early years than at any other time.

In fact, the brain creates many more synapses than it needs: at age two or three, the brain has up to twice as many as it will have in adulthood.

These surplus connections are gradually eliminated throughout older childhood and adolescence, a process sometimes referred to as blooming and pruning.

The organisation of a child’s brain is affected by early experiences.

Why would the brain create more synapses than it needs, only to discard the extras? The answer lies in the interplay of genetic and environmental factors in brain development.

The early stages of development are strongly affected by genetic factors; for example, genes direct newly formed neurons to their correct locations in the brain and play a role in how they interact.

However, although they arrange the basic wiring of the brain, genes do not design the brain completely. 

Instead, genes allow the brain to fine-tune itself according to the input it receives from the environment.

A child’s senses report to the brain about his/her environment and experiences, and this input stimulates neural activity.

Speech sounds, for example, stimulate activity in language-related brain regions. If the amount of input increases (if more speech is heard) synapses between neurons in that area will be activated more often. 

Repeated use strengthens a synapse. Synapses that are rarely used remain weak and are more likely to be eliminated in the pruning process. Synapse strength contributes to the connectivity and efficiency of the networks that support learning, memory, and other cognitive abilities.

Therefore, a child’s experiences not only determine what information enters his/her brain, but also influence how the brain processes information. 

Genes provide a blueprint for the brain, but a child’s environment and experiences carry out the construction.

Therefore, well done! Parenting is perhaps the most important job in the world.


There’s so much to worry about right now: the news, our jobs, our families and loved ones.

Sometimes it can be really hard to keep our cool. And I’m not saying that feeling anxious is wrong – our bodies signals of stress is an important message – “This is a difficult situation right now. I need to take care of myself and those I care about.”

Some of us will also be noticing positives, like bird song, more time to bake if that’s our thing, connecting with family and friends in new ways… Maybe you’ve heard of the saying ‘When I was a small boy and I would see scary things in the news my mother would say to me “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”’

It’s completely normal to notice all of the negative and worrisome news right now, but it might also help to keep in mind that our brains are actually hard-wired to take notice of the negative. We scan continuously for danger. It’s what enabled our ancestors to survive.

It impacts our nervous system, it’s deep in our brain and we can’t change that. It’s the result of 60 million years of evolution. But this negativity bias is a challenge because all of the positive qualities that we want like compassion, generosity, and feeling safe need to be laid down in our neural structure if they are to become part of us in a lasting way.

It takes effort to notice and take in the good. But the good news is that we can intentionally use our attention to decondition our negativity bias and gradually grow the good stuff.

Here’s how

1.            Look for positive facts (see below for ideas), and let them become positive experiences.
2.            Savour the positive experience. 
Sustain it for 10-20-30 seconds. See if you can
feel it in your body, feel it in your face.
Open to the positive emotions. Intensify your experience. Let it grow as big as you dare.
Notice any inhibition (many people can access the negatives more easily)
3.            Sense and intend/visualize that the positive experience is soaking into your brain and your body – registering deeply in emotional memory – allowing yourself to become different in a small and incremental but lasting way .
–  Feeling safe
–  Feeling accomplished
–  Feeling strong
–  A kind / safe person/pet
–  A favourite place
–  Something you love to do
–  A delicious meal
–  An uplifting or comforting smell
–  A smile

I wanted to remind us all that this small skill can be really helpful – especially if we can’t sleep, or get very caught up in anxieties.

It is uncertain right now, there are a lot of things to worry about, and there is also bird song, more time to bake, creative ways of connecting with friends. And there are also lots and lots of helpers. Look for them. You will always find people who are helping.

For more info you might like to explore

Cathy Harwood
NAPCE Officer

ARTICLE: Bridging the Lockdown Learning Gap for Children (Part 2) by NAPCE Officer Noel Purdy

Dr Noel Purdy is a member of the NAPCE National Executive Committee and Director of the Centre for Research in Educational Underachievement at Stranmillis University College, Belfast.

This article, written by Mr Purdy, is the second in a two-part series focusing on Bridging the Lockdown Learning Gap, following the societal social distancing restrictions because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Bridging the Lockdown Learning Gap (Part Two)

In the first instalment of this blog, I considered two initial questions around the lockdown learning gap: (1) Is there a lockdown learning gap? and (2) What does the lockdown learning gap look like?

In this second instalment, we turn to the third key question: what steps can we take to bridge the lockdown learning gap?

Dr Noel Purdy is Director of the Centre for Research in Educational Underachievement at Stranmillis University College, Belfast.


Over half a century ago, in Education and the Working Class Jackson and Marsden (1966) highlighted a system of educational apartheid in England which benefitted the elite and disadvantaged working class children.

More recently Diane Reay has argued that, despite a common curriculum and many other changes to the educational landscape, ‘educational success is still restricted to a few’ (2017, p.177) and that the winners are predominantly those from families with wealth, influential social networks and a history of educational success.

Reay argues that the upper classes and most of the middle classes have been ‘insulated’ from the last decade of austerity and its consequences, while the working classes have struggled.

Reading the emerging research studies of lockdown learning experiences across the UK (Sutton Trust, 2020IFS, 2020Walsh et al., 2020) leaves little doubt that once again children from working class backgrounds with less educated parents are struggling most, with less access to online resources, less time spent learning at home, and less support from their parents.

Once again, it seems, there is no ‘insulation’ for those already disadvantaged in our education system and society at large.

Instead, the social injustice of the lockdown learning gap is striking, and as we consider practical blended strategies to adopt over the coming months of (at best) part-time schooling supported by further home-schooling, we must be mindful that the gap will not be bridged easily or quickly.

In the figure below, based on a reading of the most recent research, supplemented by my own convictions, and adapted for a new, untested educational landscape, I set out what I see as the seven key ways to bridge the lockdown learning gap, followed by seven underpinning foundations:


The first practical consideration has to be effective pastoral support for pupils all of whom, at the very least, have lived through the crisis of a global pandemic that none of us (as adults) have ever experienced in our lifetimes.

Many will have experienced the uncertainty of their parents being furloughed or losing their jobs, some will have felt the hunger of reduced family incomes and lived off food banks, others will have seen at first hand the devastating effects of COVID-19 and lost loved ones, especially grandparents, and will be experiencing the pain of bereavement.

It must be recognised that many pupils will need emotional reassurance and support, and will feel anxious about leaving home to enter a strangely different, socially distanced school environment.

Schools already have highly-skilled pastoral teams, but they should be prepared to encounter many more emotional health and wellbeing needs in the months to follow, and should adopt a child-centred approach of whole-school understanding and trauma-sensitive ‘flexible consistency’ to ensure that all children feel physically, socially, emotionally and academically safe.

Pastoral care is a feature of every classroom, and all teachers must be encouraged and empowered to show compassion, understanding and sensitivity to children whose experience of lockdown may have been completely at odds with their own.


The second priority has to be quality blended teaching and learning. In September it is likely that pupils will be in school at most 50% of the time, so there will still be a need for effective provision of remote learning.

Some teachers naturally feel out of their comfort zones, but I would reassure them that the key elements of effective pedagogy remain the same as before, irrespective of the teaching medium: clear learning intentions, engaging content, differentiated tasks, opportunities for a range of meaningful pupil activities, and timely formative feedback on work submitted.

Our recent report of parents’ experiences of home-schooling in Northern Ireland also revealed that almost a quarter of homes did not have access to a printer.  Others were struggling to afford the cost of printer paper and ink. As a result, some schools have already signalled their intention to offer printed hand-outs which is welcome.

Creating online quizzes rather than asking pupils to print pdfs to complete, scan and submit is also something that can reduce inequalities as well as helping to reduce a teacher’s marking load.


As my colleagues Dr Sharon Jones and Dr Glenda Walsh have suggested in their recent CREU blogs, there are, thirdly, opportunities for curricular innovation in the post-lockdown learning environment.

While formal changes to the curriculum will take time, teachers can immediately explore the flexibility of the existing curriculum to integrate more outdoor learning play opportunities, to focus on the positive elements of character education within Personal Development and Mutual Understanding (Primary) and Learning for Life and Work (Post-Primary) and, I would argue, to make opportunities to discuss and process children’s experiences of the past six months.

Moreover, there have been some wonderful examples in the past of how school communities have come together in the wake of natural disasters (e.g. Carol Mutch’s work following the 2010-11 New Zealand earthquakes) through creative projects to recount, illustrate or commemorate their own experiences and stories.


Fourth, teachers have worked hard in challenging circumstances to upskill themselves, but ground-up initiatives like @BlendED_NI illustrate that there remains a skills gap across the profession and an urgent need for Professional Learning Opportunities for Teachers.

The key considerations here are the availability and affordability of such learning opportunities. Stranmillis has recently provided free CPD to over 300 teachers on its Remote Teaching and Learning course (see website for details of all Stranmillis professional development courses).

The other obvious concerns here are teachers’ own access to the internet, availability of appropriate hardware and software, and teachers’ own need to maintain a work-life balance. While there is much to learn from online courses, recent experiences have also illustrated the potential from emerging online ‘communities of practice’ where materials are increasingly shared openly, and much-needed guidance offered by peers.


Fifth, there will be a need for focused learning support for pupils in September. Although pupils are likely to be in school only part-time, it will be important to use some of that time to quickly assess what exactly are the learning needs of the different children in each class, and to consider approaches to support.

For those children on the SEN register, the additional learning and therapeutic support which was often partially or completely absent during lockdown, can be restored but it is important to note that budgets are already incredibly tight in schools and as the 2019 Northern Ireland Affairs Committee inquiry on educational funding highlighted, SEN spending and classroom assistant support are often among the first cuts to be made as school leaders struggle to balance their budgets.

Providing additional focused learning support without additional funding will simply not be possible.


Sixth, and returning to the opening discussion of the social injustice of lockdown learning, the widest learning gaps to be bridged will require more than skillfully differentiated classroom teaching.

For those children who have been engaged in little or no home learning since 23 March, the challenges of re-entering the educational system cannot be overestimated. In response, there are several options for catch-up tutoring.

One is the summer school model which has been adopted by schools across Harlem Children’s Zone and which endeavours to use vacation time to fast-track the recovery process. Another model is to enlist community volunteers or university students to offer free tutoring to disadvantaged pupils.

The recent EEF report notes that a pre-COVID evaluation of low-cost tutoring provided by third-level students generated a positive impact on pupil learning of three additional months’ progress.

As ever, there are significant challenges in meeting the learning needs of the most disadvantaged children, including demands on teacher time, affordability, safeguarding, and ongoing digital access inequity.


Finally, enhanced parental engagement: the Stranmillis report on homeschooling during the COVID-19 crisis revealed harrowing experiences by some parents and high levels of stress and exhaustion among others, especially those on the front line employed as Essential or Key Workers.

However, many parents also used the survey to comment on how much they had enjoyed spending time home-schooling with their children, and had felt closer than ever before to their learning. This report should make essential reading for schools as they seek to capitalize on some of the positives from the lockdown.

While parents often requested more guidance on how to support their children’s learning and how to navigate the complex range of learning platforms available, this shouldn’t disguise the fact that they want to be involved and, coming out of lockdown, I would contend that this is an opportunity for schools to build on, improving communication with home, welcoming dialogue and embracing the notion of parents as learning partners.


While these are important practical steps to be taken, the figure illustrates a further seven foundations upon which the bridge must be built.

Of foremost importance, of course, is the health and safety of the entire school community (pupils, all staff, parents, visitors) and it goes without saying that schools must follow the most recent government guidance on social distancing, PPE, hand sanitizing etc. as there are very real and justifiable concerns that a return to school as part of a broader easement of lockdown restrictions could lead to a rise in the R number, as was briefly the case in Denmark following the re-opening of schools there on 15 April.

Throughout this crisis we have seen excellent examples of effective school leadership, with gifted principals taking difficult decisions with little guidance to help them, communicating regularly, informing and reassuring the school community.

Given the unique circumstances of each school, school leaders will continue to need to adapt broad-stroke guidance to their individual school circumstances. The underlying principles of pupil voice and inclusion/equality of access remain prime considerations to ensure that pupils are involved meaningfully and have a valuable role to play in their schools, and that no one is left behind or excluded, willfully or by oversight.

Regular, clear and consistent communication at and between all levels has also emerged as a much valued element of a school’s response to a crisis. I would argue that this will be particularly important in the approach to the new academic year, when staff and pupils will naturally be feeling anxious about the return to school, though not to school as they knew it.

With technological support, it will be possible to communicate directly to pupils and parents, showing them (via photos and/or video) what schools and classrooms will look like, thus alleviating some of the understandable anxiety that is already growing. Adopting a research-informed approach is also more important now than ever for educators.

If the current health crisis has shown anything, it is that the scientific community has united as never before, sharing expertise, making research open-access, adapting as new findings emerge and helping to inform those charged with making policy decisions.

There is an onus on those of us who are researchers to work hard to disseminate our findings to policy-makers and to those on the front line in schools. All of this requires generous government funding if it is to become a reality rather than an aspiration, at the very time when budgets look to be tighter than ever before. However, this pandemic has demonstrated that there is the potential for additional spending where the need is deemed to be great enough. So why not now?

Is this not the moment to invest in educational recovery, to facilitate the purchase of the latest technology (hardware, software, internet access, printers) to enable effective blended learning, to support the efforts of schools to upskill staff through high-quality professional development, and to provide learning support to those in danger of being educationally as well as socially ‘left behind’?

There is no quick fix, no silver bullet. Bridging the lockdown learning gap will require vision, courage, tenacity, skill and investment. It is time to get started.

Noel Purdy
Member of the NAPCE National Executive Committee & Director of the Centre for Research in Educational Underachievement at Stranmillis University College, Belfast.

ARTICLE: “Masked Communication” – NAPCE Officer Julianne Brown Explores one of  the Greatest Challenges for Schools in the “New Normal”


Masked Communication

This Autumn, many of us working in education, as well as students and parents, will be hoping for a return to face-to-face teaching and learning at school.

As we move forward to the ‘new normal’ of life with COVID-19, certain behaviours and ways of being will be changed, at least temporarily.

The last few months have been difficult, and in some cases traumatic, as many of us will have experienced life-threatening illness, loss of loved ones, enforcement of social distancing from our friends and family and confinement indoors for long periods.

When we return to school, we will need to be attentive to the social and emotional needs of those around us.

Effective communication will be key to our response but what happens if we find ourselves ‘masked’ and socially distanced?

What effect might this have on our relationships, our understandings, our ability to provide social and emotional support for those in our care.

In what ways might this special ‘covering’ affect teaching and learning in and outside of the classroom?

Communication is key and being able to communicate effectively with others requires skill and practice. It is therefore timely to reflect on how we communicate to meet the challenges ahead.

What is verbal communication?

Communication is at the heart of excellent pastoral care. It has been described as a complex, two-way process of giving and receiving a message that consists of both verbal and non-verbal clues (Hubley 2004).

Verbal communication is more than just giving a clearly expressed, articulate message, it depends on the ability of the receiver to listen and understand. It is not only in what we say that we are able to communicate.

We use non-verbal clues such as facial expressions, eye and head movements, and body language to convey meaning (Prozesky 2000).

Being able to see people’s lips is often necessary for understanding as I found out from personal experience when shopping the other day. I have to communicate in French.

My French is quite a good level, but the mask muffles the sounds, limits visibility of non-verbal clues and not being able to see the person’s lips results in misunderstanding and anxiety and highly irritated shop assistants!

How we greet people is also a form of communication that has had to be reconsidered for many people across the world. For example, in Switzerland it is customary to shake hands with a colleague or say ‘hi’ to family or friends with three kisses.

Even our body posture and our distance from each other conveys a message. A good communicator uses all these signs in a process of empathetic response to reinforce a message and to read whether the message has been understood.

As educators and specialist professionals in health and social care working within schools, we know how important clear communication is for everyone, particularly for our students.

Whether we are meeting to provide one-to-one emotional or learning support or to facilitate excellence in teaching and learning in the classroom or during extracurricular activities, communication is key.

There are certain contexts where verbal communication is more difficult. Examples are the multilingual classroom, people who have a degree of hearing loss and for students moving to a new school or class where they are unfamiliar with the teaching style and nuances of their teacher. ‘Masked’ communication will present further challenges.

The challenges of ‘masked’ communication in the classroom

Returning to school will present particular issues with social distancing behaviours and the possibility of wearing masks. Certainly, within my area of work, in an international school, wearing a mask in the classroom may be enforced by Government law or will be a voluntary act that some students and staff will want to consider.

This will require some adjustment in how we can communicate effectively. Let’s not forget that wearing a mask sends a message to others, and one message at the moment is “keep away”, because we are wearing a mask to protect ourselves and others.

A first step to meeting the challenge of masked communication is to bring some positivity to the situation.

Acknowledge the difficulties that wearing a mask may have on your ability to communicate and introduce it as a symbol of caring for each other; an opportunity to keep everyone safer rather than a response to a threat. Remember, wearing a mask is a physical barrier to clear communication, it’s going to slow things down!

Verbally, the message given needs to be well articulated and clearly expressed. In the following table I have adapted Prozesky’s (2000) non-verbal communication model to identify areas where ‘masked’ communication may be problematic in the classroom and suggested possible solutions. The arrows  in bold (é) represent non-verbal clues that could be strengthened:

Non-verbal clues Barriers Overcoming the barriers
*Appearance e.g. untidiness Type or design of mask may provoke positive or negative response Agree type/design in advance. Design Competition to encourage Student ownership
⬆️ Personal appearance – make that ‘extra’ effort
Closeness e.g. coming too close to someone Social distancing prevents any form of supportive ‘touch’ Acknowledge change in cultural norms
Appropriate ‘self-hug’ or ‘hand on heart’ to convey meaning
Facial expressions e.g. frown Limited facial expressions visible
Inability to lip read
Increase use of eye and brow movements
Use of pre-recorded video providing overview of learning objectives and an opportunity for students to ‘see’ their teacher
Head movements e.g. nodding ⬆️ Scan the classroom to include everyone and look at people directly when addressing them
Eye movements e.g. winking ⬆️
Posture e.g. slouching ⬆️
Hand movements e.g. waving ⬆️
Body contact e.g. shaking hands Social distancing prevents this Possibility to adopt elbow or feet bump in certain circumstances
Sounds e.g. laughing Muffled
Ways of talking e.g. pauses, stress on words Muffled Check for understanding
Face class when speaking

*Appearance – I included the mask here as it is an important non-verbal form of communication in itself. Schools may choose to consider the type and design of masks that will be acceptable and respectful to others.

Social distancing and the wearing of masks in schools will present us with many challenges. Not everyone will want to comply, increasing fear and anxiety in some members of the community.

Wearing masks will be a barrier to effective communication.

Now, more than ever, we need to raise our awareness and reflect on our own communication skills, be proactive in identifying the barriers of ‘masked’ communication, think creatively and work collaboratively in order to overcome them for the wellbeing of our students and for each other.


Prozesky, D. R., 2000. Communication and Effective Teaching. Community Eye Health, 13(35): 44–45. (Available from : [Accessed 7th July 2020]

Hubley, J., 2004. Communicating Health. An Action Guide to Health Education and Health Promotion. Selangor, Malaysia: Macmillan Education.

Julianne Brown
NEC Officer

AWARDS: Update on NAPCE Awards Online Ceremony


The first National Awards for Pastoral Care in Education Awards presentation event is now to take place online on September 24th.

The virtual event will be hosted on a video conferencing platform and guests will be invited to attend via an exclusive link.

There will also be a special guest speaker and representatives from sponsors and the education sector will be online to announce the winner in each category.

Despite plans for a physical winners ceremony in Birmingham, organisers of the NAPCE Awards 2020 revealed last month that the celebration had to be moved online because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

All finalists will be invited to attend and will need to book FREE tickets via Eventbrite shortly to receive the access link.

It is fully expected that an in-person event will be held in 2021 and beyond.
National Awards for Pastoral Care in Education 2020 – The Finalists

Pastoral Development of the Year – Sponsored by NAPCE

(A pastoral initiative or idea that has achieved positive outcomes and has improved the learning experience and future life chances, for young people)

ACS International School, Boarding – Cobham, Surrey

Anneliese Walker, Nidderdale High School – Harrogate, North Yorkshire

Dan Midgley, Malet Lambert School – Kingston upon Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire

Malet Lambert , Peer Mentoring Scheme – Kingston upon Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire

Mr Shaun Easton, All Saints Catholic School and Technology College, Dagenham, Essex

Pastoral Leader Of The Year – Sponsored by Taylor and Francis 

(Has a passion for pastoral care that is shared with colleagues to inspire and motivate them to make a real difference in the lives of the young people they work with)

Rebecca Finn, Cardinal Newman Catholic High School – Warrington, Cheshire

Dave Richardson, Kingdown School – Warminster, Wiltshire

Lena Dhrona, North London Grammar School – Hendon, London

Sarah Freeman, The Park Community School – Barnstaple, Devon

Laura Howieson, St Michael’s Middle School –Colehill, Dorset

Pastoral Member of Staff of the Year – Sponsored by TES

(A member of staff who works in pastoral care and who always makes the extra effort to support young people to enable them to become effective learners and achieve success)

Ms Ceri Ellis, Rhyl High School –North Wales

Sunita Mall, Morecambe Road School – Lancashire

Mr Dominic Riste, All Saints Catholic School and Technology College – Dagenham, Essex

Melanie Ennis, Archway Learning Trust- Nottingham

Deborah Mason, Silver Spring Primary Academy – Stalybridge, Greater Manchester

Pastoral School of The Year – Sponsored by BlueSky Education

(A school that can demonstrate a commitment to pastoral care and support for learners that makes a real difference in the progress and personal development of young people in the school)

The Grove School – Tottenham, London

Shaftesbury High School – Harrow, Middlesex

The Stanway School – Colchester Essex

All Saints Catholic School and Technology College- Dagenham Essex

Brighton Hill Community School – Hampshire

Pastoral Team of the Year – Sponsored by The Thrive Approach

(A team that works in pastoral care and can demonstrate a determination to support young people to achieve their full potential and a positive impact on the young people they work with)

Moor End Academy – Huddersfield, West Yorkshire

Pastoral Support Team – Cardinal Newman Catholic High School – Warrington, Cheshire

Guidance Team –  Churchill Community College – Wallsend, Tyne and Wear

Pastoral Managers- Julie Ayres, Hannah Jolly, Gieves La Fosse and Lauren Koster, – The Ramsey Academy, Halstead, Essex

Silver Springs Primary Academy – Stalybridge, Cheshire

Raising Awareness About Pastoral Care – Sponsored by Association of School and College Leaders

(An individual, group or organisation who through their actions have raised awareness about pastoral care or pastoral issues and encouraged positive improvements for the benefit of young people)

Sean Henn – The Berne Institute – Kegworth, Derby

Pat Sowa – Starfish – Harrogate, North Yorkshire

Dr Bronagh McKee – Stranmillis University College, Belfast, Northern Ireland

King Edward VI Handsworth School for Girls – Handsworth, Birmingham

Glenlola Collegiate School Pastoral Care Team – Glenlola Collegiate School, Bangor , Northern Ireland

Outstanding Contribution to Pastoral Care – Sponsored by NAPCE

(A person, group or organisation that has made a real difference for the benefit of young people in the area of pastoral care)

Glenlola Collegiate School – Bangor, Northern Ireland

Jackie O’Hanlon, Shaftesbury High School –Harrow, Middlesex

Eileen Pavey, Litcham School – Kings Lynn, Norfolk

Tor Bank School, Belfast, Northern Ireland

Ann Armstrong, All Saints Catholic School and Technology College – Dagenham, Essex

The Awards ceremony was originally scheduled to take place in July but has been postponed because of the Covid-19 crisis.

NAPCE has made tentative plans to host an event in September 2020, but is also looking at back up plans to announce the winners online if a physical event is not feasible within the chosen timeframe.

There will be a prize of £100 for the school or institution for the winners of each category and individuals will also be recognised for their achievements.

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